Electronic Programme Guide


An Electronic Programme Guide is available.

Important Disclaimer:

All data provided is the copyright of the original provider we're fetching the source from.

You are required to check with each provider the acceptable terms of use and the various

legal obligations you must adhere to.

The data is usually restricted to personal use only.

The author of this xmltv file makes no guarantee of any kind nor does he endorse thecontent.

The author explicitely distances himself from the content provided by this xmltv file

The grabber for use with mythtv is available here . The grabber requires Python and PyTZ package

Alternatively, you can grab the XMLTV data from here:


You can also supply your current state so the timezone is set according to your local timezone:


where “state” is one of the following: wa, nt, sa, tas, vic, act, nsw, qld

like this: http://www.avenard.org/iptv/tpg-guide.php?tz=wa

A graphic interface for easy browsing is available there:


Channels available:

channel name                -    channelid            -    TPG name

Al Jazeera                  -    tpg.aljazeera        -    Al Jazeera

Bloomberg TV                -    tpg.bloomberg        -    Bloomberg

Channel NewsAsia            -    tpg.newsasia         -    Channel News Asia

World Fashion               -    tpg.worldfashion     -    World of Fashion

Eurosport                   -    tpg.eurosport        -    Eurosport

Eurosport News              -    tpg.eurosportnews    -    Eurosport News

DW                          -    tpg.dw               -    DW

BVN                         -    tpg.bvn              -    Dutch TV

Duna                        -    tpg.duna             -    Hungarian TV

TRT International           -    tpg.trtint           -    Trt International

TVE International           -    tpg.tv2              -    TVE

CCTV4                       -    tpg.cctv4            -    Chinese TV1

CCTV9                       -    tpg.cctv9            -    Chinese TV2

CCTV1                       -    tpg.cctv1            -    Chinese TV3

CCTV Music                  -    tpg.cctv-music       -    Chinese TV4

CCTV11                      -    tpg.cctv11           -    Chinese TV5

CCTV2                       -    tpg.cctv2            -    Chinese TV6

Cuba Vision                 -    tpg.cuba             -    Cuba Vision

ERT World                   -    tpg.ertworld         -    Greek TV

Indonesian TV               -    tpg.tvri             -    Indonesian TV

Radio Television Malaysia   -    tpg.rtm              -    Malaysian TV

Russia Today                -    tpg.rt               -    RT

SCTV                        -    tpg.sctv             -    SCTV

TV5                         -    tpg.tv5              -    TV5Monde

Voice of America            -    tpg.voa              -    Voice of America

Thai TV5                    -    tpg.thaitv5          -    Thai TV5

VTV4                        -    tpg.vtv4             -    VTV4

Old Movies                  -    tpg.oldmovies        -    Movie Classics

Playboy TV                  -    tpg.playboy1         -    Playboy

Adult 1                     -    tpg.adult1           -    Adult One

NASA TV                     -    tpg.nasatv           -    NASA TV

Data is grabbed from the following sources:

Al Jazeera: www.radiotimes.com

Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com

Channel NewsAsia: http://www.channelnewsasia.com

World of Fashion: http://www.worldfashion.tv

Eurosport: http://yahoo.eurosport.com

DW: http://www.dw-world.de

BVN: http://www.bvn.nl

Duna : http://www.dunatv.hu

TRT International: http://www.trt.net.tr

TVE: www.rtve.es

CCTV channels: http://www.cctv.com

Cuba Vision: http://www.cubavision.cubaweb.cu

ERT World: http://tvradio.ert.gr

TVRI: http://www.tvri.co.id

RTM (Malaysia): http://www.rtm.net.my

Russia Today: http://www.russiatoday.ru

SCTV: http://www.communitytv.com.au

TV5 : www.tv5.org

Voice of America: http://www.ibb.gov

VTV4: http://www.vtv.vn

Thai TV5: http://www.tv5.co.th

NASA TV, Classic, Playboy and Adult One: From TPG xmltv feed